Life Insurance

Sir Winston Churchill, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom once said,

If I had my way I would write the word 'INSURE' upon the door of every cottage and upon the blotting book of every public man, because I am convinced for sacrifices which are inconceivably small, families and estates can be protected against catastrophes which would otherwise smash them up forever.  It is our duty to arrest the ghastly waste, not merely of human happiness, but of national health and strength, which follows when, through the death of the breadwinner, the frail boat in which the families are embarked, founders, and women and children and estates are left to struggle in the dark waters of a friendless world.

Financial protection for our families in case of our death or the death of a family member is essential. Life insurance pays a death benefit if you die while the policy is in effect. You can use the death benefit to protect against financial hardships such as loss of your income, funeral expenses, medical or nursing care expenses, debt repayments, and childcare costs after your death.

If You Already Have Life Insurance, Assess Your Current Life Insurance Policy

Examples include supporting your family, paying for child(ren) 's education, and paying off a mortgage. Some questions you may want to ask about your own needs include:
  • Does anyone depend on me financially?
  • How much of the family income do I provide?
  • How will my family pay my final expenses and repay debts after my death?
  • Do I want to leave money to charity or family?
The answers to these questions can help you decide how much coverage you need. You can buy Life Insurance up to 200 times your current monthly income.

If You Already Have Life Insurance, Assess Your Current Life Insurance Policy

It's important to compare your current policy with any new policy you might buy. Keep in mind that you may be able to change your current policy to get the benefits you want. Also, know that any changes in your health may impact your ability to get a new policy or the premium you'll pay.
Compare the Different Types of Insurance Policies.
There are many types of life insurance policies. You should choose a policy with features that fit your individual needs. Some things to consider are:

Term Insurance vs. Whole of Life Insurance

Term insurance is intended to provide lower-cost coverage for a specific period of time ("a term"). If you want coverage for a longer period of time, such as for your lifetime, the whole of life cash value insurance may be more cost-effective. Most term policies don't build up cash values that you can use it in the future.

Be Sure You Can Afford the Premium

Before you buy a life insurance policy, be sure you can pay the premiums. Always consider that the premiums you pay for life insurance are untouchable.

Understand the Application Process

You can apply for life insurance through life insurance agents. In addition to necessary information, such as your name, address, employer, job title, and date of birth, you'll be asked for more personal information. Depending on the type of policy, the insurer may require you to see a doctor, answer health-related questions, or have a medical professional come to your home or office to assess your health. Usually, a policy that doesn't require detailed health information will cost more and provide less coverage than one that does. It's essential, to tell the truth on the application. The insurance company will check your answers so review the application before you sign. If the insurance company discovers false statements on your application after it issues your policy, it could reduce or cancel your coverage.

After You Buy Life Insurance

Read Your Policy Carefully
After you carefully read your policy, you should be able to answer the following essential questions:
  • Is your personal information correct?
  • Do premiums or policy values vary from year to year?
  • What part of the premium or policy value isn't guaranteed?
  • How will the timing of money paid and received affect any interest the policy might earn?
If you're not satisfied with your new policy, you can return it for a full refund within a specified period, usually 30 days after you receive it.
Review Your Life Insurance Program Every Few Years
Review your policy every few years to keep up with changes in your policy and your needs.
  • Have the premiums or benefits changed since your policy was issued?
  • Do the death benefits still meet your needs?
  • Do you need more or less coverage after life events, such as birth, adoption, marriage, job change, death, or divorce?
  • The insurance company can provide policy statements and illustrations to help with this review.
  • As the policy owner, you can change beneficiaries at no cost.
  • Be sure to review your beneficiaries every few years, especially after major life events that affect your life insurance needs.